Tuesday, July 28, 2009

On Newsstands Today... The Cupcakes' Wedding!

Lookie lookie what popped up on newsstands today...

It's our wedding, in Brides Philadelphia and Brides South Jersey!

This is one of the two different covers for the Fall/Winter 2009 issue we are in

Brooke & Nick at the Desmond... that's US!

We were so flattered, thrilled, and surprised when we heard a few months ago that our photographers, The Wiebners, had submitted our wedding photos for consideration to the magazine, and that we were chosen to be included in their Real Weddings feature!

Once we got word of the exciting news, I filled out a loooong questionnaire for Heather, the lovely writer who worked on our piece, so she could put together the article. We didn't know until we received a copy of the magazine that our spread would be a whole three pages. Woohoo! Heather included so many great details in the piece, and the photos look so lovely all collaged together. What a magnificent keepsake this will be.

Click on the images below to get a better look at our spread! And be sure to pick up a copy if you live in the Philadelphia/South Jersey area :-)

PS - I still owe you all my last few wedding recaps, and I promise they're coming soon... sorry for being a slacker bee! Life has taken a turn for the busy lately, and I was in a wedding-recap-slump for a little while, but I'll be back on the wagon soon :-)

1 comment:

Keg Design said...

Congrats on getting published - that's so exciting!