Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Loving Gesture....

For anyone who may have a case of the Mondays, here's a photo/story that is sure to give you a giggle....

Friends of ours got married in October in Maine; Mr. Cupcake and I were unable to attend because we had a family wedding occurring the same weekend. Apparently, though, some funny business went down during the exchange of vows, which the groom has so graciously allowed me to share with you, in his words:
During our rehearsal, the minister reminded us to look at each other when we say our vows. His rationale was that even though we were repeating his words, we were making promises to one another and not to him. I was going to be speaking first and when the big moment came, he whispered a quick reminder to look at each other.

My (now) wife has the stereotypical Italian habit of constantly gesturing with her hands. Upon hearing the minister's reminder, she decided to lighten the mood by doing her best Robert De Niro impersonation from Meet the Parents and gestured with her fingers to remind me to look into her eyes. My uncle was playing amateur photog that day and happened to catch the moment from a slight angle in the congregation......

I guess I know where I stand in her book for the rest of my life!!
Nothing says "I love you" quite like an (accidental) obscene gesture! :-)

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