Saturday, August 25, 2007

Things I learned from the original "Father of the Bride"

Mr. Blushing is away for the next week on vacation with his parents in the Adirondacks. This is one of my busiest times at work, so I was unable to join them (and I kind of thought it made for a nice excuse to let Mr. Blushing enjoy a vacation with his parents, whom he is extremely close to and whom I know miss him tons since he moved two hours away to be with me).

So, now that I'm alone with nothing in particular to do, how have I spent my Saturday night? I have spent it lounging in my PJ's and watching the original Father of the Bride, starring Spencer Tracey and Elizabeth Taylor, from 1950. I stumbled across it just as it was beginning on t.v. this evening.

I am ashamed to admit that I had never seen the original, but I am a fan of the Steve Martin version from 1991. While watching the original this evening, I was really surprised to hear how many lines from the remake came straight from the original; in some ways it wasn't nearly as dated as I might have expected.... Except for maybe the following:
  • In 1950, $3.75 per person was high for a wedding reception (these days that's probably less than the cost of each guest's wedding favor!)
  • Husbands and wives shared a bedroom but slept in separate beds (at least in movieland, they did ;-)
  • Bridesmaids walked two-by-two down the aisle in a trance-like walk (I am SO GLAD this is no longer customary!)
  • $85 for an orchestra to provide entertainment at the reception was pricey
Some things, though, will never change:
  • Wedding rehearsals are always chaotic
  • Guest list discussions always lead to arguments
  • The bouquet toss always brings out the worst in women
  • No father will ever understand how his little girl grew up so fast
Oh, and one other thing that I learned: if Elizabeth Taylor can have 7 bridesmaids, then so can I! (More to come on the bridesmaid dilemma in a future post.)

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