Monday, May 26, 2008

Bet Your Bottom Dollar

Every couple has their mini-fights and debates, there's no doubt about that. Mr. Cupcake and I are no exception. We are both fairly competitive and we hate being proven wrong, so we've had our share of intense debates and disagreements over mundane things.

Some of our debates come down to pop culture trivia (I pride myself in retaining a LOT of useless information about everything pop culture, so you best know what you're getting yourself into before you challenge me); other debates are over items on our shared Google calendar ("you never told me you are going to the Flyers game tomorrow night..." "yes I did, I told you last week, and I put it on the Google calendar"). There have been too many debates to count.

Our favorite solution to solving our debates? We bet each other a dollar. It may sound silly, but it works. every. time. We'll go back and forth disagreeing about something for a minute, each stating our case and neither one budging, until one of us whips out the dollar bet. It's like the "I double dog dare ya" of our relationship, except there are no tongues frozen to poles as a result.

The debate always ends with a handshake to seal the dollar bet, until we are able to consult the interweb for the correct answer (because, you know, the internet never lies!). That's when the loser ultimately has to hand over a crisp green dollar bill to the winner. And I know it's only one dollar, but when you win a dollar bet, it is more satisfying than you can imagine!

How do you and your FI deal with debates and disagreements? Do you have a "dollar bet" type of tradition with each other to keep things interesting and light-hearted?

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